Общественное Объединение Сеть экспертов устойчивого развития Центральной Азии
September 21, 2017 in Astana hosted the National Workshop of concerned parties “Implementation of Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM)” within the framework of the indicator 6.5.1 of the Sustainable Development Goals- 2030 (SDG-2030). The event was organized by the Scientific and Educational Center “Green Academy” in cooperation with the Network of Experts for Sustainable Development in Central Asia and with the Center for Water and Environment of the United Nations Environment Program (DHI Centre on Water and Environment) and the Global Water Partnership (GWP).
As you know, in September 2015, the UN General Assembly adopted the Agenda for Sustainable Development until 2030, which includes 17 goals aimed at eliminating poverty, preserving the planet’s resources and ensuring well-being for all. In this regard, the Global Water Partnership has developed the Program of Action for 2016-2019 to support countries in achieving water-related goals of sustainable development, in particular, goal 6.5 for the implementation by 2030 of integrated water resources management at all levels, including through a transboundary cooperation.
To determine the level of implementation of integrated water resources management at national levels, the GWP experts developed a Questionnaire. IWRM issues in Kazakhstan were discussed at a seminar with the participation of CWR representatives of Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Education, UNDP, business associations, national experts, NGOs. During the discussion, a review of the status of water resources management, regulatory framework, financing, implementation of projects in this field was presented. The following persons participated in the discussion: Head of the Department for Regulation of Water Resources Use and Protection, CWR MA RK G.S. Imasheva, Director of the Kazakh Branch of SIC ICWC, Chairman of the Water Partnership of Kazakhstan N.K. Kipshakbaev, President of the “Association of the Water Economy of Kazakhstan” N.B. Atshabarov, head of the department of strategic innovation development of the RSE “Kazvodkhoz” T.S. Kenenbaev, Deputy General Director of JSC “NPO ‘Eurasian Water Center’ L.V. Shabanova, expert of the Public Fund ‘Water Initiatives’ M.B. Arystanov, the head of the RSI ” Esil basin inspection on regulation of use and protection of water resources CWR MA RK" M.T. Ayashev, chief economist-analyst of the Association “Kazakhstan Su Arnasy” M.S. Sarsembekova and others. The expert of the Global Water Partnership B.K. Yesekin and the UNDP project manager “Kazakhstan’s support for the transition to the green economy model” G.T. Isayeva.
Based on the results of the joint discussion at the official and expert levels, an assessment was made of the state of the policy, legislation, funding, and identified further steps for the introduction of IWRM at the national level.