Network of Experts for Sustainable Development in Central Asia

On May 21, 2014 under the AEF-7 in the Media City’s Hall of debates of the Palace of Independence was held the Panel Session «Smart Green Business Forum» organized by the Ministry of Environment and Water Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan in cooperation with the Scientific Research and Educational Center "Green Academy", The Network of Experts for Sustainable Development of Central Asia (NESDCA), European Union Delegation to the Republic of Kazakhstan and USAID Mission in Central Asia.
As it is known, in accordance with the G-20 Declaration the developed countries have committed themselves for the transition to "green" economy and sustainable development in order to ensure the high level quality of life, careful use and conservation of natu ral capital in the interests of present and future generations.Adopted by States "green" principles in developing the integrated approach to the planning and sustainable development must be integrated into the management of the economy sectors, promotion of "green" business investment, introduction of smart technologies, transfer of new knowledge and reform service delivery systems that promote the conservation of natural capital.
As the British economist Nicholas Stern notes the climate change within 10-15 years may result the annual losses of up to 5% (by 2100 - 20%) of the global gross domestic product. Thus the development of "green" technologies could change this forecast. Germany's experience shows that for 4 years (2009-2012) the power of solar plants in Germany amounted up to 26 GW: 70% of owners are private individuals, farmers, small and medium enterprises. This is a real step to reduce greenhouse gases. In this regard remarkable successes has Denmark where the level of GDP since the 1980s increased by 80%, while the energy consumption remained almost at the level of 1980s.
Development of "green" business helps to reduce the consumption of natural capital and increase the efficiency of its use. So, in OECD countries revenues from environmental taxes vary from 0.1 to 4%. It indicates that the transition to "green" economy in addition to the social benefits and improved quality of life of the population carries also the economic benefits.In this regard, it is very important to understand the benefits and role of “green” economy as part of large companies and small and medium businesses.
For this purpose, as well as for the discussion of cooperation between government agencies, scientists, experts, business representatives and NGOs on “green” economy promoting through the mechanisms of "green" business development and support was organized real AEF Panel Session.
As the moderator of the Session spoke the Director of the Scientific Research and Education Center "Green Academy", Doctor of Economics, Professor Bakhyt Yessekina. With a welcome speech spoke: Minister of Environment and Water Resources Nurlan Kapparov, Head of the European Union Delegation to the Republic of Kazakhstan Aurelia Bouchez.The welcome speech on behalf of the Deputy General Secretary of the UN, UNEP Executive Director Achim Steiner was read by UNEP Senior Regional Adviser Nara Luvsan.
With the reports and presentations spoke the following speakers of the Session: Nobel Price Lauriat (2007), Director of the Science and Engineering Center «Reliability and Safety of Large Systems and Machines» Ural Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences;Distinguished scientist of Russia, Doctor of technical sciences, ProfessorSviatoslav Timashev, Director of Economic Development Department of USAID Mission in Central Asia Michael Trueblood, Senior Manager for Energy Efficiency and Climate Change of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development Nigel Jollands, Director of Northeast and Central Asia Green Growth Planning and Implementation Global Green Growth Institute Jennifer Butz, Head of Division “Cooperation with Central and Eastern European Countries and New Independent States and MENA-region”, Federal Ministry for Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety Juergen Keinhorst, Regional Director of the FLERMONICA (Forestry and biodiversity management, including environmental state monitoring) Stepan Uncovsky, Chief Expert in the Industrial Projects Department of the Polish National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management Marcin Jamiołkowski, Project Manager of the Green Bridge Forum RigaAndrejs Pumpurs.
On the «Smart Green Business Forum» platform was held the extensive discussion on proposed topics. The session participants discussed the key agenda issues and noted the need carrying out of "green" reforms and "green" business stimulation, they adopted the appropriate recommendations for inclusion in the project of the World Anti-Crisis Plan. In conclusion, within the session were signed several memorandums of cooperation.
In general, the Panel Session was attended by over 160 people including heads of government agencies, international organizations, heads of diplomatic missions, leading international scientists, experts and business companies, NGOs.