Network of Experts for Sustainable Development in Central Asia

On May 22, 2012, the "Network of Experts for sustainable development in Central Asia" (NESDCA) with the Higher Party School of the People's Democratic Party "NurOtan" within the V-th Astana Economic Forum with support of UNDP in Kazakhstan and the Global Green Growth Institute held the Roundtable on "The model of strategic planning for the transition to sustainable economy." The purpose of the Roundtable was to discuss approaches to developing a new model of strategic planning for the transition to sustainable economy, innovation in strategic planning and management at the global and national levels in terms of environmental, economic and social challenges of current time. Roundtable Moderator, Director of the Higher Party School of NDP "NurOtan", PhD, Professor, Bakhyt K. Yessekina has noted that the current global financial and economic crises demand from the international community's joint efforts of experts in the field of search for innovative ways to effectively use natural resources potential for sustainable economic growth. World practice shows that one of the most effective mechanisms for the implementation of innovative policy, providing and maintaining a balance of economic, social, and natural capital is strategic planning. Formation of new approaches for strategic planning, based on indicators of sustainable development requires a model of economic development that provides economic development in harmony with the environment. The roundtable was attended by eminent scientists, international and Kazakh experts, politicians and public figures, including Joan Clos, Under UN Secretary-General, Executive Director of the UN Human Settlements Programme (UN-HABITAT); Lord Waverley, Chairman of the Parliamentary Group of the Central Asia House of Lords, UK Parliament; Myung-Kyoon Lee, Director of Country Programs & Knowledge Integration Unit, Global Green Growth Institute (South Korea); BarabanerHanon, Rector of the Institute of Economics and Management ECOMEN (Estonia), Stephen Tull, Permanent Representative of the UN Development Programme in Kazakhstan; Dina M. Shazhenova, Executive Secretary of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as other representatives of the central government of the Republic of Kazakhstan, and deputies of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Based on the discussion of the Round table adopted recommendations will be included in AEF resolutions and sent to the G-20 and the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Overall, the conference was denoted as somewhat useful in a sense of receiving a greater awareness of current states of transition to green economy in different countries. Despite of overall disappointment this conference could have done a good contribution towards regional bonding and cooperation.